Amader Gram ICTs for development is a program of BFES (Bangladesh Friendship Education Society (registered under NGO Affairs Bureau – ID 819, Prime Minister’s office, Government of Bangladesh) which is a rural Bangladesh-based non-governmental organization with a successful track record in information and communications technology for development generally and in Cancer eHealth, herewith proposes a major population-directed initiative in community based digital health care support (Swasthya Sheba) from its own campus in Rampal of Bagerhat district.

Amader Gram subscribes to a community development model. It is a local, community-grounded program, with substantially developed community networks. Over many years of consistent, community-oriented efforts and demonstrated success, Amader Gram has cultivated long-term relationships, the results of which include a deep and abiding trust of community members and leaders. As a local organization in a rapidly changing world, Amader Gram understands the importance of interconnectedness, characterized by transparency and integrity, and mutual cooperation, to make significant social change possible.

Amader Gram has developed an outpatient Breast Care center in Khulna city and one primary Cancer & NCD (non-communicable disease) Care walk-in clinic in Rampal sub-district of Bagerhat in which over the last 12 years over 20,000 women have been seen. The NCD Care center was designed first to be a diagnosis and treatment planning center (sliding fee for service model); it is now adding a medical oncology treatment service, a chronic medical care service for both potentially cured or benign disease patients and a cell phone-based service for palliative care patients. Despite the mixed business models with these centers, Amader Gram is successfully moving to have this ‘model’ be a sustainable social business. In connection with these services Amader Gram has:

1. Developed the first Bangladeshi web-based electronic medical record (EMR) system, with on-line capacity to order tests and obtain results from outsourced sites.

2. Pioneered the use of on-site high-resolution ultrasound examinations.

3. Written and promulgated the use of detailed evidence-based, Bangladesh-circumstance- tailored, clinical practice guidelines, viewable at http://www.cloud-ag.net/agb/

4. Established and conducted regular international patient management tele-video conferences for patients with breast cancer seen at the center.

To know more about Amader Gram eHealth model please look at the paper published in the Bangladesh Journal of Medicine of BSMMU- https://www.banglajol.info/index.php/BJMED/article/view/39924